Episode 2
Episode 102 - The New Guy
Published on:
26th July, 2021
It was just another day at the office for the new guy on the station. Far from home, hating his job, and lacking in many of the comforts that he desired, our lowly accountants day was about to get turned on its head by some unexpected adventure. A sudden emergency at the station descends his world into chaos and he, and everyone around him, tries to make sense of what is happening around them. Runtime approximately 17 minutes. Story and original musical score by Jason Nitsch.
Andrew Harper “The New Guy” - Voiced by Jason Nitsch
Sarah Hughes- Voiced by Megan Ihnen
Overconfident Marine - Voiced by Nicholas T. Middlekauff
Random Hallway Guy- Voiced by Daniel Zbel
Narrator - Voiced by Aizaac S.
Originally released July 26,2021.